2020 Democratic candidates make appearances at 143rd Galivants Ferry Stump

GALIVANTS FERRY, SC (WBTW) – Several Democratic candidates for the 2020 election made an appearance at the 143rd Galivants Ferry Stump.

The stump was held on Monday at Pee Dee Farms General Store in Galivants Ferry and included appearances from Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, and others.

News13’s Bob Juback was at the stump.

“That’s right. Fourth generation and we have the fifth and sixth generation trying to learn from us,” said Russell Holliday, whose family has been in charge of the stump since 1876.

Holliday said she thinks this year’s stump is the biggest one, partly because it is the first time there has been presidential candidates.

“Well, number one, it’s the first time we’ve ever had a presidential stump. So, we have, we got four candidates. And, this is a chance for people, free of charge, to be able to talk to a candidate personally without paying a pile of money,” Holliday said.  

Bob Juback also spoke with State Senator Kent Williams, of Marion.

“This is a great day, a great occasion. You see, the people are energized and excited about the candidates being here. I think it’s good for the district, it’s good for this community to have such a high-level of presidential, Democratic presidential, candidates right here in Galivants Ferry,” Senator Williams said.

The stump is usually held in the spring during election years, but Monday’s event was added ahead of the Democratic primary coming up in February.

The historic political event is in its 143rd year.

Candidate speeches begin at 6 p.m. and clogging will start at 5 p.m., along with live music and food.       

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