17 Horry County schools to offer free meals to students during 2018-19 school year

Horry County Schools will participate in the Community Eligibility Provision for the 2018-19 school year.

A press release from Horry County Schools says the provision will allow all students enrolled at eligible schools to participate in breakfast and lunch programs at no charge and families will not have to fill out an application to participate. The following schools will participate:

Daisy Elementary

Green Sea Floyd’s Elementary

Green Sea Floyd’s High

Homewood Elementary

Horry County Education Center

Loris Elementary

Loris Middle

Myrtle Beach Primary

Myrtle Beach Elementary

Myrtle Beach Intermediate

Myrtle Beach Middle

Pee Dee Elementary

Palmetto Bays Elementary

Socastee Elementary

South Conway Elementary

Waccamaw Elementary

Whittemore Park Middle 

According to the release, parents or guardian who don’t want their child, or children, to participate in the program can contact Kimberly Johnson, Horry County Schools’ Director of School Food Services, at 843-488-6927. 

The release also says “parents wishing to make a formal appeal, may make a request either orally or in writing to Dena Chatfield” for a hearing to appeal the decision. Chatfield’s address is listed in the release as 335 Four Mile Road, Conway, SC, 29526 and her number is listed as (843) 488-6746. 

The Community Eligibility Provision is part of section 104(a) of the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 amended section 11(1)(1) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, according to the release. 

The release also includes a chart with information on income levels necessary to receive free and reduced price meals at schools throughout the district. 

The release says “for school officials to determine eligibility, the household must provide the following information on the application: (1) A SNAP or TANF case number certifying the household is currently eligible for either of these assistance programs and an adult household member signature or (2) names of all household members, the name and last four digits of the social security number of the adult household member signing the application form, current income by source for each household member and a signature of an adult household member certifying that the information provided is correct.”

For more information about the Community Eligibility Provision or free or reduced price meals in the district, contact Horry County Schools.