A new survey finds many older men are not taking steps to prevent or screen for osteoporosis. New York researchers say there is a perception that osteoporosis is a womens problem, and they point out the consequences can be more deadly in men. When a man fractures his hip , his risk of dying is twice as high as a womans. SOURCE – North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System/MedDay/CBS
Physical activity
Another reason to get regular physical activity. Researchers in Norway tracked 15,000 elderly men. They found thirty minutes of activity, six-days a week was linked to a 40-percent lower risk of death. SOURCE – British Journal of Sports Medicine/MedDay/CBS
Foodborne illnesses
A new CDC report tracking foodborne illnesses shows a drop in the number of people getting sick from E. Coli and salmonella in their food. Researchers say better safety screenings of beef products may be helping. SOURCE – CDC/MedDay/CBS