FLORENCE, SC (WBTW) – Residents of Florence gathered Sunday for the last round of the family friendly, spring gun and knife show.
The event held over 500 vendors and thousands of guns to chose from, selections ranged from lethal and non lethal weapons.
Sundays show offered things like civil war and military equipment from collectors all over the United States. Event organizers told News 13, this is the largest gun show they put on.
“There is a tremendous gun culture in the south, South Carolina is very strong with its second amendment rights. There’s a long history of people hunting fishing, shooting and military experience in South Carolina and that translates to a lot of interest in the gun world, so these folks come to every show we put on. They shoot collect and hunt and have interest in guns as a hobby,” said promoter Mark Kent.
Organizers also told us Sunday that although the spring show is the largest they will be hosting another in September.