Florence One Cafeteria Manager Celebrated as a National School Meals Hero

FLORENCE, SC – Pam O’Neal, Cafeteria Manager at Lucy T. Davis, was named a School Meal Hero and recognized nationally today by ConAgra Foods.   ConAgra Foods surprised the cafeteria manager with the recognition and award in a student assembly program.

Parents, students, school administration, school Foodservice staff are given the opportunity to nominate their “School Meal Hero” at www.rethinkschoolmeals.com.

The Rethink School Meals program is designed to celebrate the hard work it takes to serve a nutritious, warm meal to students every day in K-12 schools across the country.  ConAgra Foods is producing a video touting O’Neal’s work at the school which will be shown on the rethinkschoolmeals.com website.

According to Emily Neu, Marketing Manager of ConAgra Foods, Pam O’Neal was selected as one of the Heroes by a Selection Committee that meets quarterly to review nominations. “Only a handful of winners have been selected as a highlighted hero that we video for the program. All nominees are sent a congratulatory letter and award. We have selected Heroes to highlight from Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Arizona, and now South Carolina,” said Neu.

Neu said Cafeteria Manager O’Neal was an easy choice, as there were many nominations submitted in her honor.  Neu also said parents at the school submitted stories about how O’Neal makes the students at Lucy T. Davis feel special, and how she goes out of her way to make sure dietary restrictions are met. Staff members said both the staff and the students are known as Ms. O’ Neal’s babies, and she nourishes both their souls and body through the food she prepares daily.

The Rethink School Meals program offers information regarding the hard work in school Food Service and all of the nutritious options available to students. Visit www.rethinkschoolmeals.com.