Florence One board members send map to public for comment

FLORENCE, SC (WBTW) – Florence District One Board of Trustees members met Thursday night to discuss grade reconfiguration in the district.

After several hours of discussion the board decided to move forward with one version of the plan. That means one final map that the public will now get a chance to comment on.

Chairman Porter Stewart and other board members got an update Thursday on the progress of the grade reconfiguration plan. Superintendent Dr. Randy Bridges presented the board with four final scenarios based on questions and suggestions from the board and community.

“The board by consensus has authorized the administration to take to the public a particular scenario,” said Stewart.

That plan redraws many lines for middle and high school, Stewart said that choice made the most sense from an overcrowding standpoint. The public will now have a chance to comment on the plan during three forums sometime next month.

“Then decide do we go forward now, do we go forward later, do we go forward at all,” explained Stewart.

A final tweak to the map will need to be made before it is presented to the public.

“The advantage of it was it did not take the one elementary school about 100 percent capacity and on the other hand it brought the other elementary school that was somewhat above capacity down closer to the 100 percent,” Stewart said. “So it was a win-win.”

Under the scenario chosen, students will automatically go to the school nearest to them. Stewart still wants parents to know they will be included in the process.

“No decision was made tonight,” Stewart said. “The only decision that was made was to allow the process to proceed.”

No dates have been set for the three forums, but plans should be available from the district sometime next week.