FLORENCE, SC – Florence Little Theatre starts its 2017-18 season on a high note with ‘The Music Man, Jr.”
This family-friendly adaptation of the classic musical comedy tells a story with wit, warmth, good old-fashioned romance and bold songs. Follow fast-talking traveling salesman, Harold Hill, as he cons the people of River City into buying instruments and uniforms for a boys’ band he vows to organize. The catch? He doesn’t know a trombone from a treble clef.
Performed by actors ages 6-18 over two weekends, July 14-16 & 21-23, 2017. Reserved seat tickets are $15 adult, $12 senior (62+), $10 student/child under 18 and can be purchased by calling the box office at (843) 662-3731, Monday through Friday from 12 -5.
Directed by Lisa Sims. Recommended Minimum Age 8+. Length 1 hour.