Florence guidance counselors donate Care Kits to Lighthouse Ministries

FLORENCE, SC –  The elementary guidance counselors from each of Florence School District One’s fourteen elementary schools, along with Florence One staff members, recently carried out a service learning project.  Each counselor delivered “Care Kits” packed by elementary students to Lighthouse Ministries.  The kits, which will go to families that are in need, consisted of hats, scarves, canned meats, nutrition bars, and personal items such as soap, wash cloths, deodorant, toothpaste, and toothbrushes.

Florence One Director of Elementary Education Lorna McBride said, “The goal is to make a difference by contributing to the needs of others.  We explain it by simply saying that Florence School District One, Cares!”  In total, the elementary schools donated 1,290 items in support of this project.