Florence County Emergency Management shows off new facility

EFFINGHAM, SC (WBTW) – Thursday afternoon, Florence County Emergency Management opened up their new emergency operation and E-911 dispatch center to News13.

The 12,000 square foot building is located on 1221 Justice Way in Effingham. The facility is bigger now and can withstand 250 mph wind, up to a category 5 hurricane and tornadoes ranging from EF0 to EF4. The previous call center supported nine consoles and the new expansion can now hold 14, with an additional four on standby in administrative offices.

“This is a dream come true, we have worked on this for several years, this is something that we identified as a need many many years ago and we were able to convince the powers that be that this is a good idea so county council is behind us a hundred percent,” said Kristy Burch, Senior Coordinator at the EOC.

The building was finished 30 days ahead of the contracted completion date and below budget.