Florence announces next phase of Hurricane Matthew clean-up efforts

FLORENCE, SC – The City of Florence is moving forward with its #NextPhaseFlorence Hurricane Matthew clean-up efforts after inclement weather conditions last week.

“The storm didn’t really add any additional clean-up that we could tell but it did slow down the process because those contractors had been working seven days a week,” said City of Florence Public Works Director Chuck Pope.

Neighborhoods near Cherokee Road in Florence are still littered with debris.So far contractors have collected nearly two thousand truckloads of storm debris like tree stumps and tree limbs.

The latest updates include storm debris removal by zone, collection reminders, and FEMA Debris Removal Guidelines.

City officials say the price tag for debris removal and clean-up totals $2 million dollars.

Pope says most of what is left across neighborhoods in Florence is vegetative debris,

“We will be going hard especially this week, it looks like the weather will cooperate and it will be a good time to get out and make up some past delays but as far as the city and the weather this weekend, we probably got fortunate and got lucky with that, it was pretty to see a few snowflakes but didn’t impact additional debris,” said Pope.

Pope says moving forward crews will began making second passes through residential areas to pick up debris moved to curb sides.

To stay up to date with all of the latest information regarding #NextPhaseFlorence, please visit the page on our website dedicated to the clean up efforts. You can also follow the City of Florence on Facebook, Twitter and InstagramIf city residents have concerns regarding contractor debris removal, please contact the City Administration Office at 843-665-3113 or email the City at NextPhaseFlorence@CityofFlorence.com.-This is from a Press Release.