Florence 4 introduces Superintendent- Elect

TIMMONSVILLE, SC (WBTW) – Florence School District Four in Timmonsville introduced its new Superintendent- Elect Dr. Rechel Anderson.

Dr. Anderson told a crowd of people she is committed to improving the schools by working with the community and school leaders.

She hopes to do three things:

  1. Align a district wide goal
  2. Hold the district accountable from leaders down
  3. Create an accessible/ inviting atmosphere

“For me, this is an opportunity to defiantly improve Florence School District Four to make sure that we are moving forward to become a world class school district. Meaning our students are set apart and that they are able to compete. Not just statewide but nationally. That we are showing up every day to give it our best. I am that individual to defiantly lead the charge. Accountability is that focus,” said Anderson.

Earlier this year, the board was going back and forth with State Education Superintendent Molly Spearman over who should get the job Dr. Anderson or Florence County Councilman Alphonso Bradley.

Before that, the board made an offer to the Dr. Fannie Mason but could not come to a contract agreement.Last month, on July 26th, when Spearman met with the board, three members voted for Dr. Anderson while two voted for Alphonso Bradley. Board Chair Lillie Joe says the board tabled the discussion.

“We wanted to make sure that we were going to be on the right track with the Robert’s Rules of Order and the way that our voting process went,” Joe.

The board originally voted to hire Bradley, but Spearman said he is not qualified and said if the board hired him the district would owe the state $306,000. Joe believes paying the state the money had a big influence on the board’s decision.

“When you’re looking at taking a big dip in the budget… Our budget could not stand for that at this time,” explained Joe.

Friday morning, the board voted unanimously to approve Dr. Anderson’s contract. Since she is a first-year superintendent Dr. Anderson will work alongside Interim Superintendent Dr. Zona Jefferson for up to a year at $100,000. Anderson says she is up for the challenge.

“My role will be making sure that most certainly working alongside Dr. Jefferson we make those appropriate decisions at the district level that are aligned to what we want to happen in our classrooms to support our students but more so to support our teachers,” said Dr. Anderson. “It’s one thing to expect someone to do something. But it’s more to give them the tools to get it done.”

Anderson may become Superintendent at any time this year. With the approval of the board, she will be offered a three-year contract at $115,000 a year.

State Superintendent Molly Spearman could not release a full statement today. She is prepping for Hurricane Irma but her office says “Dr. Anderson was a mutually agreed upon the candidate and we are excited to begin working with her to continue improvements in Florence four.”

Dr. Anderson will begin as Superintendent- Elect on Monday.