MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WBTW) – Facebook’s new “Live” feature is quickly becoming popular among users, especially after on particular Facebook Live video quickly went viral. Two weeks ago Candace Payne livestreamed video of her trying on a Chewbacca mask. Her ensuing laughter hit a nerve with viewers and the sharing led to people watching that video more then 150,000,000 times since then.
Social media expert Dorien Morin with More In Media joined News13 Now at 9 a.m. on Thursday to talk about the new option for interaction. Morin explained several situation in which people may want to use Facebook Live. Two unique elements of the live streaming video include the ability to interact with viewers in real time and also the ability to take your viewers to places they cannot be – allowing them to watch an event as it is happening.
Here are a few of Morin’s ideas about when you may want to share a Facebook Live video:
- Summer Fun
- Graduation Ceremonies
- Charity Events
- Sporting Events
- Reunions
- Concerts
- Vacation fun
- Conferences
During the interview Morin also expanded on some of the features users would be interested in knowing as they get accustomed to the new feature. Watch the video for some of her thoughts, including some business opportunities. Here are a few features Morin says are worth considering:
- Everyone can go ‘Live’ (except a few international users and people with older phones or Facebook versions)
- Do not use FB Live while driving!
- Steady your camera if possible
- Use common courtesy & common sense
- You can save the video!
- You can delete your FB Live if needed
- You can go live in FB Groups and Events, too!