Encouraging data on the Zika threat at the Olympics

CBS NEWS – A new study suggests fears about catching Zika at the Olympics may be exaggerated. Yale researchers found only up to three dozen people out of hundreds of thousands headed for Brazil may become infected and that travel to Rio won’t play a significant role in the international spread of the virus. Scientists say they used a math model that took into account recent Zika cases in Rio, weather conditions and travel patterns. SOURCE – nnals of Internal Medicine/MedDay/CBS

Harvard researchers say inducing labor does not appear to increase the risk for autism in children. Doctors looked at more than a million births in Sweden.. and found induced babies were no more likely to develop autism than siblings born naturally. SOURCE – JAMA Pediatrics/MedDay/CBS

And doctors in the midwest say exercise can help even *young* women’s heart health.. They found women under 50 cut their risk of heart disease by 25-percent by doing moderate activities — like brisk walking — two and a half hours every week. SOURCE – Circulation/MedDay/CBS