Elementary students create rocks to spread the act of kindness

LITTLE RIVER, SC (WBTW) – Students at Riverside Elementary are decorating rocks with nice phrases to spread acts of kindness across the world. It’s called the “Kindness Rocks” campaign. Students, parents, and teachers will hide the rocks in various places around Horry County and across the world when people travel.

School counselor, Felicia Bellamy, said this campaign ties in with bullying prevention month, but they decided to make it an ongoing project. She said this is reminding kids that it is still acceptable to be nice and give someone a compliment. Students wrote things like “Be yourself,” and “You are amazing!” on the rocks.

“They get to spread the message of kindness, which makes it more real for them,” said Bellamy. “Other than me standing up there saying, ‘okay you need to be kind, and you need to give each other compliments,’ the kindness rocks bring that alive.”

One parent-volunteer at Riverside is going to help spread the kindness by taking one of the rocks with her to New Jersey when she travels.

“We live in a world with such negativity nowadays that we need to instill positivity into them,” said Terry Blekeski.

“Be kind to others. Don’t bully, because you never know what the person next to you is going through.”

Riverside asks that if you happen to find one of the kindness rocks, take a photo and tag their Facebook page. They also ask that you re-hide the rock for someone else to see the kind message written by students.