Asbestos removed from elementary school in Effingham after rooms flooded by storm

Asbestos was removed from an elementary school in Effingham. 

An asbestos abatement project license from the South Carolina Department of Environmental Control says Carolina Asbestos Services, located in Columbia, was contracted to remove asbestos from the 400 wing of Savannah Grove Elementary School. The scheduled dates of the removal are listed as being from August 1 to August 10. 

According to the license, the asbestos waste from the project was to be disposed of at the Loveless & Loveless C & D Landfill in Lugoff, SC. 

Florence Public School District One’s Interim Superintendent, Dan Strickland, requested an emergency permit to remove the asbestos after multiple rooms of the school were flooded by a storm on July 30. 

The full license can be read below.