DARLINGTON, S.C. –  Darlington County Deputies found a stash of drugs and 2 handguns — one of them stolen — after they pulled over a driver in a traffic stop on Monday, Sheriff J. Wayne Byrd said.

The Darlington County Sheriff’s Office Special Enforcement Unit (SEU) made the traffic stop on I-20 late Monday morning and searched the vehicle that was involved, Byrd said.

“…they found marijuana, ecstasy, schedule II control substance, and 2 handguns,” Byrd said in a press release.

In a photo from Byrd, there also appeared to be a large amount of cash, a scale and a Ziploc plastic-bag vacuum sealer.  Several bank-issued money bands were also discovered, according to Byrd’s photo.

There also appeared to be the key ingredient for a drug-laced drink called “Sizzurp,” which is also known as “Purple Drank,” and typically contains prescription cough syrup mixed with hard candy and sweet soda, such as Sprite or Mountain Dew.

Isaiah Unique Wilson, age 29, of the 7000 block of Briddlewoood Court in Jonesboro, GA was hit with several charges after the incident, Byrd said.

Wilson was charged with possession with intent to distribute marijuana, possession with intent to distribute MDMA Ecstasy, possession with intent to distribute schedule II controlled substance, and possession of a stolen firearm, according to Byrd.

Wilson’s bond hearing is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon at 4 pm.