Saturday, dozens of area teens took part in the second annual “Drive N’ Live” event at Broadway Grand prix in Myrtle Beach.
The Horry County Police organized event, which was assisted by other local law enforcement, allows teens to learn about the dangers of impaired driving.
The teens had on ‘drunk goggles’ as well as cell phones in hand while steering through obstacle courses.
The goal of the Drive N’ Live event is to show young drivers or soon-to-be drivers how dangerous it actually is to get behind the wheel while distracted or intoxicated.
Police say the teens behind the wheel were surprised at how difficult it was to drive with the goggles on or while texting.
LCPL Felix Cruz says he is glad they are learning that lesson now instead of when it is too late.
“They’re hitting cones and stuff animals. In real life, that could be people, that could be other vehicles, that could be fixed objects and we don’t’ want that. We want to make sure they come home. And we’d rather have them do that here mess up here and not on the road,” he said.
Cruz says around 40 teenagers attended the event.