MYRTLE BEACH, SC – (WBTW) The Downtown Redevelopment Corporation will host a workshop tonight for businesses and the community to discuss the City’s proposed historic district.

The proposed district includes portions of Main, Oak and Broadway Streets, North Kings Highway and both Eighth and Ninth Avenues North. 

Officials with the DRC tell News13, the historic district is part of the Downtown Masterplan and the next step in developing this district is getting final approval from The South Carolina Department of Archives and History in September.

“Historic districts are places that people are interested in, they travel to them, they want to know what was the history of that particular area,” Executive Director of the Downtown Redevelopment Corporation, Lauren Clever said. “It also gives another incentive to people who are in that area and own that property or business.”

There are 26 properties under consideration. Eighteen of the buildings are contributing properties and eight are not. Clever says properties regarded as “non-contributing” received that title because there were renovations done to the original property.

Properties participate willingly and would be eligable for State and Federal tax credits for the rehabilitation of their property.

“Some of them were restaurants, some of them were department stores back then and they had to have some sort of historical significance to be a part of this commercial historic district,” Clever said.

Tonight’s workshop will be from 5:30 to 7:30 at the Myrtle Beach Train Depot.