March 13 will now be a regular school day for students in the Darlington County School District (DCSD). The day was originally scheduled to be a professional development day for teachers, but will now be used for a make-up day since students missed a school day last week due to inclement weather.

Students will be expected to attend and attendance will be taken.

South Carolina state law requires school districts to make up all school days missed due to inclement weather (South Carolina 59-1-425).

The law further stipulates school districts must designate at least three make-up days on the school calendar.

This year’s school district calendar designates February 16 (now passed), March 13 and May 1 as the district’s make-up days. 

State law also requires districts to have ten days of professional development for teachers and staff. Because March 13 is now a regular school day, teachers and staff will need to make up a professional development day.

The Darlington County Board of Education is evaluating the options and will make a decision about the professional development make-up day at the next board meeting.