Day four of Sidney Moorer’s retrial focuses on phone records and collected evidence

CONWAY, SC (WBTW)- Day four of Sidney Moorer’s retrial focused on phone records and evidence collected early in the investigation of Heather Elvis’ disappearance.

Jill Domogauer, a crime scene investigator with the Horry County Police Department took the stand.

She testified to processing Heather Elvis’ car that was found at Peachtree landing. Domogauer said the car was messy but she found no blood or sign of a struggle.

She searched Heather’s apartment which showed no sign of forced entry, but Domogauer did find something that stuck out to her.

“In the front trash can of course I found tissues and things of that nature, but I also observed a pregnancy box there was no applicator just the box,” said Jill Domogauer with HCPD.

Domogauer then showed the jury several items that were taken from the Moorer’s home during a search warrant in February 2014. Those items include a DVR recroder, several phones, and devices that were taken into evidence.

During cross examination, the defense argues that Domogauer did not properly process scenes or collect enough DNA evidence. They point out investigators did not collect DNA from other people including Stephen Schiraldi who went on a date with Elvis on December 17th, 2013 just before she disappeared.

The defense points out that none of Heather’s DNA was found on anything recovered from the Moorer’s home and Sidney Moorer’s DNA was not found in Heather’s apartment.

The prosecution then points out Domogauer processed Heather’s car and apartment early in the investigation when she was working a missing persons case and was not aware of a crime.

Thursday’s testimony also focused on phone records. Will Lynch with North Myrtle Beach Police testified to helping Horry County Police analyze text messages from the Moorer’s phones and Heather Elvis’ phone.

He looked at phone records from November 2nd to December 18th,2013 the day Heather went missing.

Lynch read sexually explicit text messages to the jury that were sent from Sidney’s phone just two days before Heather went missing.

News 13 previously reported that during Tammy Moorer’s trial, Lynch testified those texts indicated Tammy was using sidney’s phone to text another man.

Lynch’s testimony then shows a timeline of communication. Heather’s phone called Sidney’s phone at 3:17 on Dec 18th and the last call on her phone was to Sidney at 3:41 a.m.

More physical evidence came into play when John Caulder took the stand. He’s a former Horry County Police officer who processed Sidney Moorer’s truck days after Heather went missing.

He testified at that point all he knew was this was a missing persons case and that the truck belonged to someone Heather Elvis had a relationship with.

He testified he was only looking for anything that belonged to Heather, but he did not find any blood. He also said had he known the truck was bought after Heather and Sidney’s relationship ended he would have done things differently.

“I would’ve dusted the vehicle with information that she was never inside the vehicle. I would’ve process the interior and exterior, DNA swabs, fingerprints, everything to process to see if it could put her inside the vehicle,” said Caulder.

Joyce Aland took the stand testifying to what her home surviellance video captured. She lives on Highway 814 said the video shows what appears to be a truck drive past her home and again 10 minutes later around the time of Heather’s disappearance.

The defense argued that the street is not a dead end and doesn’t guarantee someone was driving to Peachtree landing.

David Quandt also took the stand. His business near Peachtree Landing has surveillance cameras that face Mill Pond Road. He testified seeing a vehicle pass his business going towards Peachtree Road around the time of Heather’s disappearance.

Testimony continues Friday.