Darlington Police department debut new patrol cars

DARLINGTON, S.C. (WBTW) – The Darlington police department plans to better protect and serve the community and that includes better patrolling the area.

The department now has five new patrol cars all ford police interceptors, four are marked one is unmarked. The five cars cost about $177,000 to buy and outfit.

Lt. Maureen Valazak, Darlington Police Public Information Officer said, “A lot of our cars are getting older. The cost to get them repaired and keeping them on the street, we were having issues with that.”

“So, I think it’s going to make a big difference in saving the taxpayer and community more money,” explained Valazak.

Police Chief Danny Watson said the new cars were purchased by combining a $36,000 grant from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), $ 12,000 from the department budget, and $16,500 from the capital improvements budget.