Darlington hosts clean up day

DARLINGTON, SC (WBTW) – In Darlington Saturday, the garden club and the city beautification board , teamed up for the community clean up day.

Volunteers all met at 8 a.m. at the chamber and with work gloves and their tools, the worked to make the town beautiful.

“ The Darlington garden club and the city beautification board, came together to do clean up Darlington day. To clean up the town to take some pride and make it a better place for residents and our businesses, and visitors that will come through town,” said planning director Lisa rock.

Activities for the clean up day included, weeding, flower planting , and some hedge trimming organizers mentioned, this even has grown in recent years, even attracting volunteers from other areas.

“Today we have volunteers coming all the way from Bishopville, that are here to help us out and show some support so that’s really great,” Rock added.

Later next week, the garden club will be planting flowers and getting things prepared for the new Darlington town sign .