DARLINGTON, SC (WBTW)  — As a result of Hurricane Matthew, Darlington County School District students missed seven student days. On Friday the district announced plans to make up six of the seven missed student days. The Darlington County Board of Education is expected to forgive the seventh day.

Changing the designated inclement weather days (Feb. 20, Mar. 17 and May 12) into regular school days will make up three of the missed days. Three more student days will be made up by changing Nov. 7, Feb. 10 and May 29 into regular student days. Attendance will be taken and classes will continue as normal on these days. The Board will likely forgive the seventh missed student day at their November board meeting. The spring Parent-Teacher conferences will be rescheduled.

Teachers are still required to have 10 days of professional development. Plans for making up the lost professional development time will be announced within the next few weeks.

State law requires districts to make up the first three days. Local school districts have the ability to forgive three additional missed student days. Missed days beyond that can only be waived by the State Board of Education or, in some cases, legislative action.

A common misconception is that schools do not have to make up missed days if the governor declares a State of Emergency. A State of Emergency is actually a designation that allows the governor, as well as state and local officials, to access resources they might need in dealing with the crisis. A State of Emergency does not impact school make-up days.  State law also requires that schools close on general election days of even years. As a result, Nov. 8 cannot be used as a make-up day.

By using the six days chosen, the school year is not extended and graduation will not change. However, it is important to note that winter may bring additional bad weather. If students miss more days due to inclement weather, the Board may consider adding those missed days to the end of the school year.

A revised calendar will be on the district’s website.2016-17 DCSD CALENDAR (revised 10-28-16)

JULY 2016

4 – No school: Independence Day


1-4 – Registration

8-12 – No school: Professional development

15 – First day of school for students


5 – No school: Labor Day

15 – Full day of school; Parent conferences 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM, Interim report (23rd day of the quarter)

16 – No school: Parent conferences (8:00 AM – 12:00 PM), half day for teachers

28 – Early dismissal after lunch: District Collaboration


5-14 – No school: Hurricane Matthew

13 – No school: Professional Development

28 – End of 1st quarter


4 – Report cards sent home

7 – Regular School Day (Hurricane make-up)

8 – No school: Election Day

23-25 – No school: Thanksgiving



No school: Christmas/Winter Break


2 – All return from Christmas Break

16 – No school: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

20 – Early dismissal after lunch, end of 2nd qtr.; report card prep

27 – Report cards sent home


10 – Regular School Day (Hurricane make-up)

20 – Regular School Day (Hurricane make-up)

MARCH 2017

1 – Early dismissal after lunch: District Collaboration

17 – Regular School Day (Hurricane make-up)

24 – Early dismissal after lunch, End of 3rd quarter; report card prep

31 – Report cards sent home

APRIL 2017

5 – Early dismissal after lunch: District Collaboration

17-21 – Spring Break – students & everyone except 12-month employees

17-19 – Spring Break – 12-month employees

MAY 2017

12 – Regular School Day (Hurricane make-up)

29 – Regular School Day (Hurricane make-up)

30-31 – Short day, no lunch served

JUNE 2017

1 – Short day, no lunch served, last day for students

2 – No school: Professional development/grade verificationInformation above is from a press release