Darlington County Autism Support Group sponsors free workshop

DARLINGTON, SC – Darlington County Autism Support Group is holding a free workshop called “Adolescence with Autism and Sexuality.”  The workshop is for parents, caregivers, educators and therapists who have preteens and teens on the Autism Spectrum.

The workshop is Saturday, March 19 from 10 am to 12 noon at Hartsville YMCA Community Room.  That’s located at 111 East Carolina Avenue, Hartsville. Organizers say the workshop will help anyone that works with those on the autism spectrum in learning how to deal with these physical and emotional changes of adolescence.  This workshop will discuss situations that might arise and ways to help your child cope.

Refreshments will be serve and daycare will be available and should be requested at time of registration.  Registration deadline is Tuesday, March 15.

The trainer is Val Gioia from SC Autism Society.  For more information and to register, please contact Coretta Bailey at 843-307-3386.