Conway Chamber of Commerce reacts to CresCom ‘senseless evil acts’

CONWAY, SC (WBTW) – Following the arrest of the man believed to have murdered two women in a Conway bank Monday afternoon, the Conway Chamber of Commerce reacts to the senseless violence.

The below statement was released by the chamber:“On behalf of the Conway Chamber of Commerce, we extend our most sincere condolences to the families of the two devoted CresCom Bank employees, Katie Skeen and Donna Major, who lost their lives in the senseless tragedy that occurred on Monday. Your Chamber family and the entire Conway community grieve with you.Most of us spend a significant amount of our lives at the office or on the jobsite, often surrounded by people we’ve worked with for years. In many of our work places, co-workers feel like an extended family of sorts.This is definitely the case in this instance, as our current Conway Chamber Board President, Travis Dannelly, was co-worker and worked directly with both Katie and Donna as a fellow employee of CresCom. Travis states, “It was my honor and privilege to have worked with two of the finest ladies that have ever graced our world. They exemplified what hard work, dedication and community was by their daily walk in this world yet more so by their actions. The tragic event that took them from us Monday will not be the lasting memory; the lasting impact and impressionable moments they had on their families, friends and community will be. Thank you to the Conway community for your support during this challenging time.”Our hearts and prayers go out to the families and loved ones of those so tragically taken. Although senseless evil acts of this kind are hard to comprehend, we grieve and heal together as a community.”