Congressman Rice to host workforce symposium in Florence

FLORENCE, SC – Congressman Tom Rice (SC-07) will host a workforce symposium entitled “Build Them and They Will Come” for residents of South Carolina’s Seventh Congressional District on October 12, 2016. The event will connect individuals with the desire to work with a panel of industry professionals who will share ways to improve workers’ skillsets and how to build a stronger workforce in the region. The event will take place at the Southeastern Institute of Manufacturing and Technology (SiMT) on the Florence-Darlington Technical College Campus from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.

“Through collaboration and training we can connect those who want to work with good-paying jobs,” said Congressman Rice. “Together, we can grow our workforce with high-skilled workers to make our region competitive and appealing to new industry.”

Congressman Rice will be joined by Bishop Michael Blue of The Door of Hope Christian Church; Elisabeth Kovacs of the South Carolina Department of Commerce; Lewis Gossett of the South Carolina Manufacturers Alliance Association; Neyle Wilson, President of Horry Georgetown Technical College; Kyle Wagner, President of Northeastern Technical College; Dan Averette, Associate Vice President of Technical Education at Florence-Darlington Technical College; and District 7 Economic Developers.

This event is free and open to the public and press. All attendees are asked to RSVP by calling (843) 679-9781 or emailing rodney.berry@mail.house.gov.-This information is from a Press Release.