Community celebrates Grand Strand Miracle Leagues spring opening day

Dozens of special needs families celebrated opening day of the Grand Strand Miracle Leagues’ Baseball Season.

More than 100 players took part in Saturday’s opening game. Myrtle Beach Mayor Brenda Bethune threw the opening pitch. Organizers also held a ribbon cutting for a new addition to the field on 33rd Avenue North. The “Beyond Infinity” ZipKrooz is a specially adapted, wheelchair accessible playground zip line now at the ballpark.

Saturday marked the 16th anniversary of the Grand Strand Miracle Leagues’s spring season. The organization provides the only special needs sports team in the Grand Strand.

“They look forward to it every year. Some of the kids sleep in their uniforms the night before. So we are excited to bring them back. We’ve missed them all winter long,” said Executive Director Jennifer Averett. “This is where they players can make friends and hear cheers from the crowd,” she said.

If you’d like to support the Grand Strand Miracle Leagues, the organization will be holding a “Free Cone Day” fundraiser at local Ben and Jerry’s locations on April 10.