City of Myrtle Beach honors atomic veterans with new monument

MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WBTW) – The City of Myrtle Beach is honoring veterans who risked their lives by taking part in nuclear tests, and were exposed to radiation during their service.

Dozens of people gathered for the unveiling of the new National Atomic and Nuclear Veterans monument on Saturday. The monument sits in Warbird Park in the Market Common. Kenneth Swain is the South Carolina State Commander of the Atomic and Nuclear Veterans group. An atomic veteran himself, he approached city officials about creating the monument six months ago. He says he’s happy to finally recognize his fellow servicemen since they couldn’t even discuss their experiences in the past. “People just don’t realize how many people died from explosions worldwide. I’m very happy that I’m able to have this monument to be permanently located here in Warbird Park,” said Swain.