John Coffin with Shoreline Behavioral Health and Randy Cole with Circle Park Behavioral Health joined News13 NOW at 9 a.m. on Wednesday.

The discussed the opioid epidemic and how treatment is working. Watch the video to learn more. The following is an outline of the conversation:

  • Opioid dependence—addiction to prescription painkillers and heroin—is a treatable medical condition caused by changes in the chemistry of the brain.
  • Why does treatment with medicine work?  Typically, the changes that cause opioid dependence will not be corrected right away. In fact, those changes can trigger cravings months or even years after you’ve stopped misusing opioids. That’s why ongoing treatment that includes counseling and behavioral therapy is so important.
  • What is an addict going through? An opioid-dependent brain, not having enough opioids to satisfy cravings or suppress withdrawal is comparable to not having enough food to satisfy hunger.
  • Why are Naloxone and Narcan nasal sprays important to reverse overdoses? Approximately every 12 minutes someone overdoses on opioids. Will you be prepared?