Child’s death serves as reminder of the importance of gun safety

MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WBTW) — The accidental shooting death of a 12-year-old in Florence County hit close to home for Mylissa Bellamy. Her 11-year-old son was killed in an accidental shooting in 2010, and as a result she started The Matthew Bellamy Project with the goal of educating families on gun safety, to prevent others from experiencing what she and her family went through. Bellamy was on News 13 Now Friday to explain the importance of safe gun usage and storage.

They offer the Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program that teaches children four important steps to take if they find a gun:

1. Stop

2. Don’t Touch

3. Run Away

4. Tell a Grown Up

If you do have a gun in your home:

1. Make sure the gun is unloaded.

2. Store it locked; out of the reach of children.

3. Store ammunition locked in a separate location from the gun.

4. Store the keys for the gun & ammunition separately from household keys.

The Matthew Bellamy Project offers free gun locks, as well as gun safety classes for adults and children. For more information about the organization or any of the classes go to: http://thematthewbellamyproject.com/