In recognition of Child Abuse Prevention Month and Animal Cruelty Month. The Durant Children’s Center and the Florence Area Humane Society are sponsoring a Lunch-and-Learn on Thursday, April 30, from 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. It will be held at The Floyd Conference Center located at 1592 Freedom Boulevard in Florence.

The emphasis of this training is to help participants recognize the correlation between Animal Cruelty and Child Maltreatment and the proper response for each. The basics of child abuse will also be discussed. Those that work with children are highly encouraged to attend.

Guest Presenter: Nicole Howland, J.D., Special Prosecutor, Lexington County Sheriff’s Office Followed by a Panel Discussion Buffet Luncheon is $6.50 per person. Visit and click on Events Tab to register and pay. Registration no later than April 27 is required. Pre-registration is required. 1 hour VSP and CLEE applied for.