Celebrating Women: Tuscaloosa Police officer Lillie Leatherwood

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. (WIAT) — During the month of March CBS 42 is celebrating Women’s History Month by spotlighting women across Alabama who have or are making a major impact. Tuscaloosa Police officer Lillie Leatherwood is making a difference in her community.

Leatherwood works with kids and is the director of the Tuscaloosa Police departments athletic league.  Its a program designed to help keep kids stay postive to keep them engaged and out of trouble.  The 25-year police veteran is also a two time Olympic medal winner.

“I grew up wanting to be a police officer, and I also wanted to work with children. Thats why I went to the University to get my degree in social work. So when I started this job and realized they had this program, so now I feel like I am living the dream working with children and being a police officer” Leatherwood said.

Thirty-five years ago officer Leatherwood won a gold medal during the Olympic games in 1984 in
Los Angeles. Four years later, she won a silver medal in 1988 in the Seoul, South Korea Olympic games.
Leatherwood graduated from the University of Alabama and was only 19 years old when she quailified for her first Olympics.

“Winning it and being able to get on that podium and hearing our national anthem being played
obviously was the great experience and feeling that a person could have”.

Leatherwood says nowadays her biggest thrill isn’t the fame or winning medals, but its being a role
model to her kids who visit her gym.