Casey breaks six new Guinness World Records

CASEY, Ill. (WTWO/WAWV) — It was a big day for the small city of Casey, Illinois where they were able to add six new Guinness World Records to their running list.

Representatives from Guinness World Records made a stop in Casey Saturday to measure six different world record attempts.

They ranged from the largest seesaw and teeter totter to the largest golf club.

Surveyors started the morning by going up a jack lift and measuring the different items.

For the six attempts submitted by the city, they broke them all and also created new records.

“The town of Casey really encompasses the Guinness World Records spirit of just uniting as a community and breaking lots of really cool records and setting lots of new records that we have. We’re always looking for people to set new Guinness World Records titles. So, we’re really proud of the city of Casey,” said Mike Marcotte with Guinness World Records.

Casey now has 12 world records.