FLORENCE, SC (WBTW) – Carolina Boxer Rescue hosted an event at Southern Hops brewery in Florence to bring awareness to help boxers that need a home.
“We’re telling them about adoption, foster, and how they can donate,” said area coordinator for the Pee Dee, Ashley Rogers.
Rogers believes dogs are more than a friend, they are family.
“The personalities are amazing they have the little wiggle butt and they get excited,” said Rogers.
The Carolina Boxer Rescue works in South and North Carolina as well as parts of Virginia. Rogers explained some of the things the organizations does for the Boxers.
“We pull boxers from our local shelters and we work with volunteers to place them in foster homes,” said Rogers.
The area coordinator in Charleston, Courtney McDonald, tells News13 Snoppy the Boxer is a perfect example.
“We had some volunteers who happened to see his post on craigslist. The person who was breeding them was trying to sell him for a couple hundred bucks,” said McDonald.
McDonald added Snoppy isn’t like every dog out there.
“He is completely blind, his retina are detached because he was born that way. He sees no shadow or light of any kind and he’s also completely deaf. He had to be trained by using hand signals,” said McDonald.
McDonald took matter into her own hands and adopted Snoppy until he can find his forever home.
“We just fell in with him and he became our fourth dog, in addition to being a great dog at our house, he’s great with kids, dogs, as well as all of our foster dogs that are coming through the house,” said McDonald.
If you would like to learn about the organization or learn how to donate, click here.