Canada geese causing headaches, costing money in neighborhoods

SURFSIDE BEACH, SC (WBTW) – Canada geese can offer people a close up look at nature but that often means the birds are making themselves at home in neighborhoods which cause some problems for homeowners.

D.N.R. says as both human and Canada geese populations grow in South Carolina, conflicts can arise, including the birds overgrazing on lawns.

“I’m currently dealing with a problem in Mallard Landing, I’m planting new grass, new sod for the homeowners and the geese are actually eating the grass,” said Hal Dixon, co-owner of Flagship Construction.

Dixon says that impacts his bottom line, “eating the seeds and eating the sods, that costs us money.”

It also has homeowners complaining. “When they’re eating raw grass like that, the fresh sod, then the homeowners are upset with me because they pay for grass in their yards and there’s no grass,” explained Dixon.

“They’ve just been pulling up the new sod that’s been laid down and they just eat constantly,” said homeowner Mike Sullivan.

Sullivan says it’s a problem he has dealt with since moving in two weeks ago.

“I already replaced a lot of it with some sod as you can see, there are patches all around,” Sullivan said as he pointed to square cuts of grass in his lawn.

With so many birds in the area, he’s also tired of another issue.  “Every day I’ve got to come out and watch where I walk, I can’t even walk in my own yard, it’s disgusting,” said reference in a droppings left by the geese.

D.N.R. says Canada geese tend to walk to and from water to feed instead of flying.  They advise building a low fence to keep them off you lawn.

Another option is to not mow close to ponds and let the grass grow high which should prompt the birds to go somewhere else.It’s illegal to kill Canadian geese out of season or harm them in any way, but you can scare them away.