Can this electric bracelet really shock you out of your bad habits?

SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) – Spend more than your budget allows? Smoke a pack too many? Maybe eat too much junk food than you’d like? Looking to stop sleeping-in so late?

The list of bad habits can go on and on for a lot of us. 

Whatever your vice, this electric bracelet being sold on Amazon will shock you every time you cross the line, in hopes that you’ll kick your bad habits to the curb.

It’s called the Pavlok bracelet (a play off Pavlov if you didn’t notice that) and it costs $200 on Amazon. 

According to the manufacturer – Salt Lake City-based Behavioral Technology – if you punish yourself enough, you’ll feel your bad habits subside “within 3-5 days.”

The device can be programmed to shock automatically for some of your bad behaviors, but if you don’t trust yourself, you can appoint a friend or family member who can also download the Pavlok app and send a shock to you. 

This bracelet isn’t new – it first launched in 2012. 

“Aversion therapy is Pavlovian Conditioning — associate the habit you want to stop, with a negative stimulus (like Pavlok’s shock) for a period of time, for a few days in a row,” the website reads. “Rapidly, the brain learns to associate the two stimuli together, and stops liking the habit.

Creator Maneesh Sethi said he created the Pavlok after suffering an addiction to social media.