DARLINGTON, SC (WBTW) – An elementary school in the Pee Dee is using a more hands-on approach to help students at high risk for behavioral disorders

About four months ago Brunson-Dargan Elementary School in Darlington along with a program called Positive Influences and the district, launched Project Healthy Me.

“Well this has been a very interesting year.  Ironically, the first week of school I had a large number of students in my office and I’ve never had that happen before,” said Ada Sindab, Principal at Brunson-Dargan.

Sindab says she started to see a high number of behavior problems and decided to get to the root of the problem.

“You start to get to know families and most of the children; I say matter of fact 95 percent of the children had experienced some type of traumatic experience,” mentioned Sindab.

“Ms. Sindab came to Positive Influences and inquired about our project, stemming from a conversation she had with a parent,” explained Terence Deas, Program Site Manager for Positive Influences.

The goal is to lower the number of suspensions, expulsions and district hearings.

Also it gives students who have had problems in the past with behavior, the constant guidance of a counselor throughout the day.

“So we are trying to catch them and to get understand what are the triggers that makes them not understand or be able to focus in class,” Deas stated.

The district says the school has seen a 95 percent improvement in behavior since the program started.

Project Healthy Me is still in its pilot phase with about 40 students currently enrolled and at no expense to the district.