Blue rock earns ‘place of honor’ in police chief’s office

DARLINGTON, SC (WBTW) – Darlington Police Chief Danny Watson found a blue rock. While the painted rock in and of itself may not have been a rare find, the note attached to it had a lasting effect on the seasoned chief.

Monday morning Chief Watson posted to the Darlington Police Department’s Facebook page that he found the blue rock with the following note:To Whoever finds this letter my name is Asa Singletary. I made the choice to paint this rock to show support for the Darlington City Police Department and our first responders. Every day you guys make the choice to put on the uniform and serve our great country proudly. This is just my way of saying thank you for all you have done. This rock is also to symbolize the brave officers that have fallen in the line of duty. These officers are gone but never forgotten. To all law enforcement agencies across America… my family salutes you and thanks you for the sacrifices you make every day. Stay SafeAsa Douglas Singletary and the Singletary Family

As a reminder of the support that remains in the community for law enforcement, Chief Watson placed the painted stone in his office. Here’s the note he wrote to Asa:Dear Asa Singletary,Thanks so much for taking the time and effort to do this for us. I am grateful beyond my ability to put words on paper. So because I lack the words I will be reminded of it every day as I have given your rock a place of honor on my shelf in my office. When I look at it every day I will think of you and your kind words. God Bless you for doing this small deed of kindness.Your Friend and Admirer,Chief Danny Watson MPA FBI NA # 228