Atlantic Beach could see longer hours at this year’s Bikefest

On Saturday, vendor registration and fees were all discussed at an Atlantic Beach bikefest committee meeting. The committee also addressed the start and end time for each day of the event and the involvement of volunteers during Memorial Day weekend.

“I have a good game plan together, I have some good help coming in and if we do have a problem we’re going to deal with it and get the job done here,” said Chief Timothy Taylor, who has been the police chief in Atlantic Beach for about 5 months.

Saturday, Chief Taylor listened as the bike fest committee discussed details for this year’s Memorial Day weekend event.

Atlantic Beach Mayor Jake Evans was also at the meeting and said the Grand Strand is prepared.

“After Memorial Day weekend with the incidents that took place in Myrtle Beach it just became a very hot topic and of course after a half a year of talking and organizing you know I feel confident that things will be much better,” said Mayor Evans.

One goal of Saturday’s meeting was setting hours of operation in Atlantic Beach. Council member Josephine Isom, a member of the committee, said the event should be extended to 4 o’clock in the morning.

“To try to keep the visitors and the vendors and the people here in the Atlantic Beach and not let them venture out in other municipalities and crowd their town,” said Isom.

When asked whether she believed extending the hours would be a safety concern she said no, as long as police officers are there.

“Tell you the truth they are here anyways. There is lots of people here after those hours. The vendors are closed but we have residents, we have visitors and we have tourists here anyways,” said Isom.

But Chief Taylor has a different opinion and said he wants to see all festivities end by 2 am.

“Nothing happens good at 4 o’clock in the morning and my main concern as the chief of Atlantic Beach is the safety of the residents here and the safety of the people coming to visit,” said Chief Taylor.

The hours of operation item and other details for the event will all be discussed again during the Atlantic Beach Council meeting on Monday. Town council ultimately decides.