The Carolina Civic Center Historic Theater in Lumberton displays local artists’ work through out the year. During the spring, the display will show off the work from Public Schools of Robeson County.

32 pieces of 2D art is on display. Each piece was created by a faculty member from a Robeson County public school.

The theater went through renovations six years ago, and this is the fifth year educators have taken over the gallery.

“The art teachers are such a treasured resource everywhere, and especially in Robeson County,” said Richard Sceiford, the Executive Director for the Carolina Civic Center.

“I think it’s very important to give them some space on the walls and show [the public] what they do because they’re the ones who teach our children,” said Sceiford.

The gallery will be set up until the end of May. Anyone can view the gallery during a scheduled event or by setting an appointment. For more information, visit the Carolina Civic Center event page.