CONBWAY, SC – The Weatherization Assistance Program of Waccamaw Economic Opportunity Council, Inc. will hold its  Annual Weatherization Day on October 30, from 10:00 am until 3:30 pm at the Conway Administrative office located at 1261 Hwy 501 East, Conway.

The event includes seminar is to help people in Georgetown, Horry and Williamsburg Counties learn more about the services the Waccamaw Economic Opportunity Council, Inc. provides and the requirements needed to qualify for the agency’s  energy assistance program.

The ultimate goal of the Weatherization Assistance Program is to reduce energy cost for low-income families, particularly for the elderly, people with disabilities, and children by improving the energy efficiency of their homes while maintaining their health and safety. Refreshments will be serve.

For more information visit or call (843)234-4100.