Alligator Road businesses concerned about road-widening construction impact

FLORENCE, SC (WBTW) – South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) will discuss widening alligator road during a public hearing Thursday afternoon. The project costs near 74 million dollars, paid for by the Penny Sales Tax.

This is the final project on the Penny Sales Tax Florence County residents voted for 2006.

The public hearing today will give people that live in Florence County an opportunity to learn about how the Alligator Road project  and how construction will impact their day to day life.

The road will be widened to five lanes from South Irby Street to Knollwood Road.

Then down to three lanes from Knollwood road to West Palmetto Street.

News13 visited the road and spoke with local business owners about their concerns with the road widening.

Forest Lake Greenhouses is at the middle of Alligator Road near Knollwood Road.

Owners of the business say they are in favor of the road widening but worry about how construction will impact their business.

Tim King, Co- Owner of Forest Lake Greenhouses said, “Change is always good. We are just concerned about the construction process. That it doesn’t impact people being able to access our business.”

The family owned greenhouse employees 15 people, so if business slows this could hurt the people that depend on it.

“As long as it doesn’t impact our bottom dollar and sales. Because my employees depend on us for their jobs every day,” King adds.

King will attend the meeting today to ask how much of his property will be needed during construction and how long will construction take.

Brian Dix, SCDOT Program Manager said, “Hopefully we can provide some relief to some folks. Now that there is less impacts to the property. They might be relieved by that.”

Dix explains the public hearing is the last stage before they begin clearing the right- of- way areas for construction. The goal is to have construction complete by the summer of 2021.

The public hearing will be held Thursday at South Florence High School from 5-7pm. The first hour will include viewing maps and answering questions. The second hour will include a presentation about the project followed by resident comments. Anyone who wants to comment must sign up before 6pm.
