Alarm system employee impostor targets Darlington homes

DARLINGTON, SC (WBTW) – The Darlington Police Department says a stranger knocked on a resident’s door asking for information about the home’s alarm system.

A warning was put out by Darlington Police Chief Danny Watson on the department’s Facebook page describing how a man came to the door of a city resident around 1 p.m. Wednesday claiming to be with the Alder Alarm Company that the residents have service with. The man, described as a black male wearing an orange shirt and shorts, asked for the alarm information claiming the company would return in a couple of days to do work on the system.

The man placed the information given to him by the homeowners into a tablet he was carrying, Chief Watson says. The residents say a follow-up visit was never made by the alarm company and they became concerned and contacted police.

Darlington officers contacted the alarm company, which verified that no one was conducting work within the neighborhood and no employee visited the home for information. Officers were able to reset the homeowner’s alarm code and password in efforts to avoid a break-in.

Chief Watson urges homeowners to remember, “If someone just randomly shows up to do work, there is nothing random about it. Call the Police.”

Chief Watson says the department is always willing to verify any claims of work on home alarm systems or similar claims to protect Darlington residents.