GREENVILLE, SC  – DHEC has issued an Air Quality Alert for Midlands, Upstate, Central Savannah River area, Pee Dee and Catawaba regions.

That alert is in effect until late Wednesday night, early Thursday morning.

They have declared an Air Quality Action Day for Fine Particulates, due to the recent wildfires.

That means the fine particulate concentrations within the affected region may approach or exceed unhealthy standards, especially for those individuals sensitive to particle pollution.The an Air Quality Alert means:

  • Stay inside if possible, particularly if you have respiratory concerns or other health problems, are a senior or child
  • If you must go out, try to limit the amount of time you are out to strictly essential activities
  • Minimize your use of items that increase pollution, such as cars, gas powered lawn mowers and other vehicles
  • Do not burn debris or other items during an air quality alert