A potential Zika vaccine is showing promise

CBS NEWS – Researchers at Walter Reed who tested a possible Zika vaccine on monkeys say it offered complete protection to the animals. Zika is spread by mosquitoes and can cause devastating birth defects. Scientists say the next step is testing the vaccine on people. SOURCE – Walter Reed Army Institute of Research/MedDay/CBS

More Americans have ALS or Lou Gehrigs Disease than previously thought. The CDC says nearly 16-thousand cases of the debilitating disease were identified in 2013. Thats up a thousand from the year before. But experts say the increase likely just reflects better detection methods not an uptick in actual cases. SOURCE – CDC/MedDay/CBS

Acupuncture may help improve mild memory loss that comes before developing dementia. Researchers in China found it may be even more effective when combined with drug treatment. SOURCE – Acupuncture in Medicine/MedDay/CBS