CBS NEWS – Children whose mothers didn’t get enough vitamin D during pregnancy may be at *greater risk* for multiple sclerosis. That’s according to researchers at Harvard. They found the risk of developing MS was 90 percent higher in children whose mothers were vitamin D-deficient during the first trimester.
SOURCE – JAMA Neurology/MedDay/CBS
A new study suggests women with a high white blood cell ratio are more likely to have a *recurrence* of early stage breast cancer. Scientists tracked three hundred cancer patients and found women with the blood inflammation were much more likely to face another bout of cancer. SOURCE- BMJ/MedDay/CBS
Canadian researchers are recommending *education* as a way to help youngsters control their caffeine intake. They found adolescents are the *fastest-growing* group of caffeine users with more than 83-percent regularly downing caffeinated drinks. SOURCE – Elsevier Health Sciences/MedDay/CBS