A new approach that may help newborns in pain

A new study suggests teenagers are more sleep deprived than ever before. US researchers investigated the sleep patterns of 270-thousand adolescents since 1991 . They found sleep duration has dropped for all children, and that girls are more likely than boys to get less than seven hours of sleep a night. SOURCE- Pediatrics/MedDay/CBS

Marijuana and teens

Marijuana use may be a factor in excessive daytime sleepiness in some teenagers. That’s according to doctors in Ohio.  A study found ten percent of teens with narcolepsy symptoms tested positive for marijuana use. SOURCE – Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine/MedDay/CBS

Newborn pain

Warmth and sweetness may ease pain for newborns. Researchers in Chicago found a combination of radiant warmth and doses sugar reduced discomfort in infants undergoing painful minor procedures. The babies cried and frowned 50-percent less when treated. SOURCE –  Pediatrics/MedDay/CBS