FLORENCE, SC (WBTW) – Florence school district one looks to change the way students are fed during school hours.
The district partnered with an outside food vendor and on Wednesday, school officials tried different types of food before the first day of school.
“I think kids are ready to see some changes and see some flavors they’re not used to seeing. As a father of four kids at home, kids are usually some of the most adventurous eaters because they’re so young and they’re not set in their ways yet,” said Tim Page, Chef instructor at Daniel Morgan Technology Center.
Dozens of cafeteria workers gathered at Delmae Heights Elementary school for a hands-on training on the healthier food options kids will be receiving.
“Kids tend to try different things when it comes to having it on the school system versus when they have to pay for it in restaurants so it’s a way for us to introduce those flavors to students,” said Brandon Lewis, South Region Executive Chef for Chartwells.
The company tells News13 students will be able to enjoy different types of options, not just american food.
“We have some Indian cuisine, some Asian flavors, we do a trip around the US, so we do some creole from New Orleans, we’ll do some stuff from Kansas City, Kansas city Bbq, just to try an incorporate flavors from all around the world and including the US as well,” said Lewis.