ORRUM, N.C. (WBTW) – Nature lovers got a chance to experience a mixture of activities Saturday afternoon while at one of North Carolina’s top ten natural resources.

“I just like people coming down to the river and having a good time, just enjoying themselves, seeing all of the kids, enjoying the kids activities we have here. A lot of folks say there are so many kid activities, so we had to come up with something for the adults,” Lumber River Park Superintendent Neill Lee said.

Jim Caulder has been a musician for the past 20 years and has supported the festival from when it first started.

“It got off to a little slow start, but the community has gotten behind it and a lot of organizations in the area have supported it,” says Caulder.

So for the past six years Caulder and musicians from across the south provided music for the older generations.

“Every year I’ve been here with different people, from Myrtle Beach to Tennessee and some of these people are from Raleigh and so we gather here and sing and play music because that’s what we do. We support,” Caulder said.

More than 600 people attended the festival and they didn’t let the heat keep them from one of the events most popular attraction.

Caulder says it’s the genre of music that attracts so many people and its simple, because its traditional  and performed live.

“I think their kind of fascinated to see local people together and that maybe worked on their car yesterday but today their playing a guitar and singing” mentioned Caulder.

An event worth looking forward to each year.

“It’s not a whole lot going on in the middle of the summer and it’s also just a way to get out and enjoy the river,” Lee said.

“Everybody socializes, it’s a very wholesome family oriented event and its free so where else can you go and get all this free?” says Caulder

Not too many places, according to Caulder.