Marlboro County School District hopes to help students in need through app

BENNETSVILLE, SC (WBTW) The Marlboro County School District partnered with an app to help students in need through anonymous donations.

The app is called Purposity named from the words “purpose” and “generosity.” It was created to help school systems and local non-profits post needs through an app.

“We are looking forward to having our community embrace this notion and this concept. It’s a way for everyone to get involved with helping those in need in our school system,” said Dr. Gregory McCord, Marlboro County School District Superintendent.

School Counselors and Social Workers meet with students needing assistance and are responsible for posting the needs on the Purposity app. Students identities are not released nor the identity of the donor.

“This gives them a chance to look at their leisure and see how they can help and decide when they want to help,” Dr. McCord said.

When someone donates to the specific need, it will then be cleared from the app. Donations can be made via credit-card or PayPal.

Marlon Prince is the District Parent Coordinator, along with Homeless-Foster Care Lesion, for the school district he said the app could bring positive change.

“I’m out and about in each location, and there is a real need for the community to actually go back to where it used to be where we took care of each other. With this app, it’s an opportunity for individuals to actually sow in to the needs of our students by making sure they are successful academically, socially, and physically,” Prince said.

The district hopes to get 500 followers on the Purposity app. Individuals interested can download it for free on their phones and search for the Marlboro County School District.